Sting Ray swimming away. I have also seen an Eagle ray which was about 6 foot at least in width! It had little baby rays following it. These guys above love to hide in the sand, and when you dive down and sometimes don't see them, all you see are their little eyes poking through .

This is a lionfish, they are invasive and dangerous. As a research project we are going to hunt them and dissect them to see where they have been and what they have been consuming. This little one was a baby, so the professors let him be. We have not learned how to go about hunting them yet, we are still just observing.
This is a spiney lobster we saw hiding under a bolder. In order to see him it was a pretty deep free dive. A free dive is where you take as much oxygen as you can into your lungs and just dive into the water. As you go down you release air bubbles. He was maybe 15 feet down. He was also enormous! maybe 2-3 foot.
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